Consul General Maria Antonina M. Mendoza-Oblena,with Political and Economic Officer Faith Bautista and Local Hire/Interpreter Fubin Huang participated in this year’s Red Tour organized by the Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Governments.
The Red Tour, a visit to places with historical significance relating to the birth, establishment and growth of the revolutionary movement and the subsequent Communist Party of China (CPC) under Chairman Mao Zedong. It is envisioned to rekindle the spirit of class struggle and proletariat principles, took officials from the Philippines, Singapore and Royal Thai Consulates based in Xiamen, to the August 1st Nanchang Uprising Memorial Museum, to the historical and cultural places of Changting County, to the former site of the Soviet Government of Fujian Province and to the Mao Zedong Caixi Township Investigation Memorial Hall.
The Red Tour was also designed to strengthen cooperation and linkages between the three consulates and the Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Governments.