Closed Procurement Activities


RFQ-XN-2022-12-076: Request for Quotation to Procure various printer and copier cartridges.

RFQ-XN-2022-11-062: Request for Quotation to Procure Television sets

RFQ-XN-2022-11-063: Request for Quotation to Procure Light and Sound System

RFQ-XN-2022-11-064: Request for Quotation to Procure Camera Set

RFQ-XN-2022-09-0057, Dated October 12, 2022: Lease of Office Space for Chancery

RFQ-XN-2022-09-0055, Dated September 13, 2022: Lease of Venue for Team Building Activity 

RFQ-XN-2022-08-0050, Dated August 9, 2022:  Replacement of Tires for Mercedes Benz 

RFQ-XN-2022-07-0048, Dated July 18, 2022: Purchase of Executive Table

RFQ-XN-2022-07-0046, Dated July 15, 2022: Purchase of Three (3) units of Laptop.

RFQ-XN-2022-03-0021, Dated March 08, 2022: Hire Instructor for Wellness Program

RFQ-XN-2022-03-0020, Dated March 07, 2022: Lease of Office Space for Chancery

RFQ-XN-2022-01-0003, Dated 10 January 2022: Lease of Venue for Basic Life Support Training

contracts awarded

Awarded Contracts for Public Bidding


Awarded Contracts for Alternative Methods of Procurement

BAC RESO NO. 54-2022 : Resolution Recommending Procurement of Various Office Supplies