Xiamen PCG Officers and staff attending the Mandarin Language tutorial program at PCG conference room
Mandarin classes for Xiamen PCG’s officers, staff and their dependents commenced on 09 September 2014, covering one-and-a half hours, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, every Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The 22-session tutorial aims to enhance Xiamen PCG’s personnel’s grasp of the Mandarin language which would be valuable in the performance of their official functions, including dealing with the general public.
Acquiring and improving Mandarin language skills is expected to contribute to the hastened acculturation of Xiamen PCG personnel and thereby enable themselves to appreciate and understand better Xiamen/Chinese life, society and culture.
Miss Li Ning, a language teacher from the Chinese Language Institute of Hua Qiao University in Jimei City, Fujian, is PCG Xiamen’s instructor for this project. END