Philippine Consul General to Xiamen Julius Caesar A. Flores led the Consulate General’s officers and staff in welcoming the visit of two batches of Grade 8 students of Xavier School Manila at its Bulwagang Bayan/Heroes Hall held on 21 and 22 November 2017 who are visiting Xiamen/Fujian for this year’s Xavier China Experience (XCE) program.
The XCE is a 6-week study-immersion program as one of the academic requirements of Xavier School in partnership with Huaqiao University in Jimei. A total of 127 students and 14 teachers led by Ms. Perpetua Cuevas, Team Leader, participated in the program with the objective of tracing ancestral roots, cultural immersion and personality development of the participants. The program ran from 31 October to 10 December 2017.
As part of the visit, Consul General Flores the two batches of participants on the Consulate General’s establishment as well as the many facets of its work covering political, cultural, economic and public diplomacy functions.
Consul General expressed his appreciation to the XCE program since majority of the students traced their ancestral roots in Xiamen/Fujian which is a catalyzer in enhancing people-to-people contacts.
The lectures generated great enthusiasm and keen interest among the students/participants which they consider as a new learning experience and additional knowledge on the importance of enhancing Philippines-China relations.
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