Xiamen, 25 November 2020 -- In line with its economic diplomacy efforts, Acting Head of Post Elaine Mae V. Laruan-Hernandez, together with Political and Economic Officer Faith Bautista and Local Hire/Interpreter Fubin Huang visited the Fujian Septwolves Industry Co. Ltd. factory in Quangzhou on 20 November 2020.
Mr. Wu Shaohua, Vice-President of Fujian Septwolves Group Co. Ltd., led Septwolves officials who met with the PCG group. The visit began with an Introductory Session of the Company followed by a tour of the Factory and finally, of the Museum. The group observed highly-skilled and well-trained tailors at work and visited areas where the clothes are being inspected and tested to comply with the standards of workmanship, durability, and quality (especially colorfastness).
During the tour, the group was also shown Septwolves’ face masks and PPEs which are being distributed to the U.S., Europe, and Japan. The Company expressed its readiness to ship these merchandise to the Philippines, if necessary.
The Acting Head of Post conveyed to Septwolves officials that although the Philippines is still tackling the pandemic, it is now “ready and open for business” and would like to invite foreign companies such as Septwolves to consider expanding to the Philippines. She indicated the Consulate General’s readiness to assist such companies.
FUJIAN SEPTWOLVES INDUSTRY CO. LTD., founded in 1990, is principally engaged in the design, production and sale of clothing under the brand name of Septwolves. The company is now also involved in financial investments and cultural/tourism property developments. In 2004, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange listed Septwolves as a leading Chinese mens’ wear company. In 2020, the Company’s market capitalization was listed at over RMB100 billion. In 2015, Septwolves was invited to showcase its products to the global market during the Milan Fashion Week. It has then been part of the Fashion Week for four (4) consecutive years. Septwolves holds Ralph Lauren-esque brands like Wolf Totem. In 2017, it also obtained 80% of the Karl Lagerfeld Greater China Holdings (LKGCH), a majority stake for the licensee of Karl Lagerfeld China.
For more information, visit www.dfa.gov.ph, www.facebook.com/dfaphl, and @dfaphl on Twitter. END